Kremlin-Hillsdale Rural Water District #1



Monthly Customers:

  1. Monthly minimum (includes first 1,000 gallons): $14.00

  2. Usage after first 1,000 gallons: $5.00 per 1000 gallons

Pasture tap Customers:

  1. Yearly minimum (includes first 10,000 gallons): $160.00 - Billed in June of each year

  2. Usage after first 10,000 gallons: $5.00 per 1000 gallons

Annual tap Customers:

  1. yearly minimum (includes first 60,000 gallons): $431.00 - Billed in December of each year

  2. Usage after first 60,000 gallons: $5.00 per 1000 gallons

Benefit Unit